Connected Learning Ecosystem

The Acton Outdoor CLE is a group of educators, librarians, and other professionals who support children and families, especially in early childhood and elementary school ages.  We are also passionate about getting youth and families playing and exploring outdoors!  We know that screens and overscheduling can make opportunities for open-ended play and science learning outdoors less available.  We also know that these types of learning opportunities are incredibly important for the healthy development of young brains and bodies.  We meet roughly seasonally to discuss resources, activities, tips, tricks, challenges, and successes. 

Lead Educators

  • Smiling man with short dark hair and a blue shirt

    Paul Fenton

    Director of Environmental and Outdoor Education at the Discovery Museum

I have really enjoyed being part of the group and have learned a lot from others who know a lot more about science and outdoor education than I do, as well as just having the opportunity to connect with others in the area doing similar programming.”
Ellie Springer, First Connections

Schools and Partners

First Connections

Danny's Place

Farrington Nature Linc

Hands on Nature

Acton Library

Maynard Library

Merriam School

Housing Families

Kids Naturally