Squam Lake, NH Aug. 1, 2024

Inspiring Youth Action at Earth Camp

This summer, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center hosted a free Earth Camp for middle schoolers focused on climate and data literacy, featuring activities like carbon emissions experiments, energy audits, and invasive species removal. The camp concluded with students presenting their sustainability audit findings, sparking excitement at home and inspiring some to continue their environmental journey through programs like the Youth Climate Leaders Academy.

6 students sitting around a table making art using nasa data

This summer, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center ran a free Earth Camp as another touch point for local middle school aged youth on their learning journey of Environmental Community Action. The camp focused on climate and data literacy and featured a communications project showcasing NASA data. Sessions were held on the following topics:

- Climate change sources, sinks, and solutions

- Carbon emissions experiments (measuring if CO2 in the atmosphere actually increases air temperature in mini earth models—using kits from VEEP/NHEEP)

- Energy and sustainability auditing (using infrared cameras, thermometers, and voltmeters rented from VEEP/NHEEP)

- Pollinator garden workshop and pulling invasive species (Fun note: the kids removed oriental bittersweet and Norway maple. They fed the bittersweet to the Science Centers deer, who absolutely loved it!)

- Climate Change communication making data art inspired by Jill Pelto using NASA graphs

- Building bluebird nest boxes

- Community Science Bioblitz on Mt Fayal trail using the Seek app

This camp went really well and the youth had a great time. They covered so much ground and were deeply engaged in all of the activities. The youth even got to present their energy and sustainability audit findings and recommendations to the Director of Development, Rachel Saliba, who has since spoken with our Executive Director Iain MacLeod about enacting these changes at the science center.

Afterwards we heard from several families who said their kids came home buzzing and wanting to tell them all about what they learned. We also had our oldest participant ask if he could come back as a counselor next year. At the end of camp we sent out an email to the families with a link to VEEP/NHEEP’s Youth Climate Leaders Academy as another stop on their kids learning journey.

Here is a letter from the parent of one of our participants:

"I am writing to extend my deepest gratitude for the incredible opportunity my daughter had to attend Earth Camp this summer, thanks to the generous grant that covered her tuition. This experience has been truly transformative for her, and our family is beyond thankful.

My daughter came home from Earth Camp absolutely inspired and bursting with excitement to share everything she learned. She enthusiastically explained the experiments on carbon emissions and how they contribute to climate change. She proudly showed us the birdhouse she built, and spoke passionately about the solutions to climate change that she discovered during camp. It is clear that this experience has not only deepened her understanding of environmental issues but has also empowered her to believe that she can make a difference in this world.

Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity!"